Skiing or baking? Why not both :) Read on for the famous recipe!


On the days that Liv is home from kindergarden, I like to do something fun. The nature surrounding us is our best playground, and with the weather like this, it's soooo freaking AWESOME!! LOOK at this!? New sparkly, glitter snow, sun and the temperature is heating up during the day.

This slope runs across our fields. It's the local sports club that makes them. It's said that Norwegians are "born with skis on their feet" and we´d like to maintain that image! he he... :)

Liv got skis for Christmas, and she got the hang of it within like 5 minutes! So impressive! But I still like to put her in the sled and go fast :) She sleeps soo well in there.

After we have skiied, we´d go to sit on the horses, play with the dogs and sled a little. Then we´ll do various activities both outside and inside.

She is sooo into cooking! The first hint of food being prepared, she grabs her apron and little chair and is ready to help out! :D I´m trying to diet, but hearing her say "cake cake cake" after they have been to so many birthday parties lately - and seeing these brown bananas... I just had to put "resource management" over my own diet! HAD TO! :D ( yeah , you keep telling yourself that, Live! :D )

litle girl baking bananacakeLiv gets to help measure, pour and stir. And if I try to stir she says "- NEI mamma, L Ja." ("No, mom. Yes Liv")(she refers to herself as L) Too funny! And then we kind of fight for who gets to lick the bowl.... he he he...

So the horses walked by the window, the sun warmed our hearts, and this amaaazing banana cake made our day complete! Try it for youself , and let me know if you agree that it's probably the best banana cake recipe in the enitre world? :D


3-4 ripe bananas

200 gram butter

2 dl sugar

3 dl flour

2ts baking powder (baking soda)

2 eggs

Melt the butter, cut the bananas, and stir it all together in a jam. Baked in the oven in 175 degrees CELCIUS in 25-30 min. It should be mushy and a little moist so don't bake it too long.  

Go ahead, invite a friend, and let me know if it rocks! :D


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