Christmas market in Salzburg and maybe the most awesome hotel ever


Ohh my God, guess what I just came home from? A “hunting” trip… Ha ha, and by that, I mean a vacation to equal out some of the time Kristoffer takes to go hunting every fall.  One of my best friends, Linda, and I wanted to do something fun, but not too far away and not too many days since I had not been away from Liv for more than a day before. We looked at several options, from Morocco to Riga, but my brother Knut said that he had heard that the Christmas market in Salzburg was supposed to be one of the best in the world, and there was a hotel just by Salzburg that I had been dying to go to for years – the Bio Hotell, Stangelwirt. 

So, off we went, and we just had a blast!!!! It was really good to be able to spend time with someone else than mainly Liv for more than a few hours! It’s pretty intense to have a baby (I’m sure that all of you that have a baby know the feeling). And when you return home, you feel so full of energy and ready for life as usual :)

I´ll show you a picture spread of our trip here, and then I´ll do a more thorough piece on Stangelwirt later because it’s so cooool! :D

Quick Facts: Stangelwirt is a bio hotel under the mountain Wilder Kaiser in Austria. They have Lipizzaner horse breeding, and a huge spa. The hotel has 5 restaurants and 175 rooms.  Their attention to details, and the genuine hospitality was truly amazing. It is definitely in my hotel “top three” after this trip!

A lot of the interior is from old barns that were taken down in their neighbourhood. And due to the fact that they are located in the heart of the famous Tyrol region, that’s pretty good.

Do you remember the old movie “Sound of Music”? Well, it was filmed in Salzburg and the surrounding area, and we truly felt a part of it in the magical atmosphere.  

We took a sleigh ride through the landscape with “cream-colored ponies” like Julie Andrews sings about in the movie, and since Linda and I used to be in a choir at school, we were singing along when we felt for it! :D

The market was huge!!! A full block with only people serving gluwhein!

Salzburg is such a charming city, with its castles, mountains and even a beautiful green river! And their Christmas market lived up to all of the hype. The only thing on my list was to have a good time, and maybe get some Christmas decorations, and let’s just say we came to the right place! I got a very pretty shoe for myself and some unbreakable ornaments for the bottom part of the tree so that we don’t have to worry about Liv playing Godzilla and smashing them ;) 

They say, "when in rome, do as the romans do," so we bought Asutrian mountain hats, and totally felt that we blended with the locals!

This was such an amazing trip; it was like an energy boost! Linda and I talked for hours and drank a glass of champagne every day. I totally feel I´m ready for Christmas now. Thank you, Salzburg! What a great “hunting” trip, indeed!

skiing with baby

Kristoffer sent me this picture in a text when I was away...looks like him and Liv were doing pretty good, too, huh?




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