Simple and natural Easter fun that's safe enough for the baby!


Well, we didn't exactly mean Baby Decoration as literally as we showed you in the title picture, but we couldn't resist! Isn't it adorable?? Makes for great Easter cards! And that takes us to decorating...Some people like to decorate for eveything, while some people don't like it at all. Everyone can do whatever they like, but I personally feel that if you never do anything extra for a special occasion, "everyday and feast" becomes the same...The special stuff just doesn't feel as special without a little extra. 

I like to do some nice, moderate decorations to mark the holidays. Here are some cute things Liv made with her one year-old, little hands last week! My heart melted!! I´ll show you some pictures, and maybe you have a child in your family you can try it with? They make great gifts and are truly heartworming!

Eggs are classic for Easter. Remember that when you make decorations with real eggs, you can use what's inside the egg still! Make an omelett or something else! :) Perfekt lunch for the Easter decor crew! :)

Let the kid roll them in paint and add feathers. Super cute. Put it on a stick and in a flower pot. Tips: Set it on the stick before you paint, then the kid can hold on to that. :)

This is easy for a one year old: Pick cones, let the baby play with them and paint on a paper-covered area of the table and let it dry. Tie a ribon on it :)

These are potatoes that the grown ups cut shapes into with a small knife. Put paint on the potato and let the baby paint on the paper with it. The shapes don't show up so well when it's done, but that's just cute. You can frame it, too!

The hand printed on a canvas with a stick frame is my favorite. They went outside to pick the branches and had their cute, little hands painted and stuck on the canvas.

Add some ribons and make a tail, a little beak and an pearl or bead as an eye! Cool, huh?

Another thing I remember from when I was a child was to take garden cress and plant it in a cut milk carton covered with aluminum foil. 

You cut the milk carton, and cut an extra "strip" for your handle (it's a basket). Cover with the foil. Add cotton that you water, and sprinkle the cress seeds on. In a few days (REMEMBER TO KEEP WATERING), you will have sprouted cress that is great for garnishing your meals! The children learn aspects of growing, and if you add a yellow ribbon and some feathers, it's a great Easter decoration!

Please try this at home! :D
Let me know how it goes!


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