It's really coming together!


It's for sure time to give you another update on how the greenhouse is coming along. I showed you the ground work in the last post, so here is the next step.

Check out the brick wall from the flowering appletree's point of view! :D The wall took soooo much longer than we calculated... As you may know, bricks are made of clay, that've been burned or dried. The ones we have were cut while the clay was still soft and it wasn't perfect, so they are 4 cm on one side and 5 on the other. This is quite the hassle to work with when you have to make it look even. So we had two men working a full week to get this 75 cm high wall looking good!!! But, I rather take the time to get it nice now, than look at a poorly done job forever!

Wall ready, and woodwork, pre-painted getting ready to rise! How cool is this?

Kristoffer and our carpenter are putting up the roof in pooring rain! We orderd isolated glass for the roof and normal glass for the walls. We also have the type of decor for the roof that the english greenhouses have so the birds won't sit and poop on it...beautiful and practical! This will look sooo good by the time we are done! I have pre grown a lot of plants that are "ready to move in", too! :D

This is how it looked this morning.

Kristoffer measuring to order the glass from the glasscutter.

I have to ask you guys for "interior advice": what should we do inside? Like,  plant benches naturally, but in one height, or two? Make tiles on the floor, or keep it concrete? Water on the inside or outside? Furniture? Chandelier? Heeelp!!! :)

This is what the inside looks like so far:


March 4, 2020

Follow me on INSTAGRAM

February 1, 2020

The REAL Frozen 2

February 1, 2020

Yogashala Lavvo

January 15, 2020

Treetophut finished!

January 11, 2020

Floor and fireplace in the Teepee

December 28, 2019

Christmas Winter Wonderland

December 24, 2019

Christmas 2019

November 2, 2019

Christmascards - done!

November 1, 2019

Hooho Halloween